Validator Setup

Learn how to set up and manage validators for your liquid staking protocol.

Last updated: 2024-03-21
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Proper validator setup and management is crucial for running a secure and efficient liquid staking protocol. This guide covers all aspects of validator management, from selection criteria to performance monitoring and stake management.

Setup Checklist

  • Selection criteria defined
  • Performance metrics set
  • Monitoring configured
  • Security measures in place

Validator Selection Criteria

Define comprehensive criteria for selecting and evaluating validators.

Selection Configuration

1// validator/selection.ts
2export const VALIDATOR_CRITERIA = {
3  // Performance requirements
4  performance: {
5    minUptime: 0.98, // 98% uptime
6    maxSkipRate: 0.01, // 1% max skip rate
7    minEpochCredits: 80_000,
8    maxVoteDistance: 32, // slots
9  },
11  // Stake requirements
12  stake: {
13    minSelfStake: new BN(100_000_000_000), // 100 SOL
14    maxTotalStake: new BN(10_000_000_000_000), // 10,000 SOL
15    minDelegations: 10,
16    maxStakeShare: 0.1, // 10% of total stake
17  },
19  // Commission settings
20  commission: {
21    min: 5, // 5%
22    max: 10, // 10%
23    maxChange: 1, // 1% max change per epoch
24  },
26  // Infrastructure requirements
27  infrastructure: {
28    requiredVersion: '1.17.0',
29    minCPUCores: 16,
30    minRAMGB: 32,
31    minStorageGB: 512,
32    dataCenter: {
33      tier: 'Tier 3',
34      redundancy: true,
35    },
36  }

Scoring System

1// validator/scoring.ts
2export const SCORING_SYSTEM = {
3  // Score weights
4  weights: {
5    uptime: 0.3,
6    skipRate: 0.2,
7    voteDistance: 0.1,
8    commission: 0.1,
9    infrastructure: 0.1,
10    governance: 0.1,
11    community: 0.1,
12  },
14  // Scoring functions
15  scoring: {
16    uptime: (value: number) => 
17      value >= 0.98 ? 100 :
18      value >= 0.95 ? 80 :
19      value >= 0.90 ? 50 : 0,
21    skipRate: (value: number) =>
22      value <= 0.01 ? 100 :
23      value <= 0.02 ? 80 :
24      value <= 0.05 ? 50 : 0,
26    commission: (value: number) =>
27      value <= 5 ? 100 :
28      value <= 8 ? 80 :
29      value <= 10 ? 60 : 0,
30  },
32  // Minimum requirements
33  minimums: {
34    totalScore: 80, // minimum 80/100 to be selected
35    uptimeScore: 90,
36    skipRateScore: 90,
37  }

Performance Monitoring

Set up comprehensive performance monitoring for validators.

Performance Metrics

1// validator/metrics.ts
2export const PERFORMANCE_METRICS = {
3  // Real-time metrics
4  realtime: {
5    voteDistance: {
6      metric: 'vote_distance',
7      threshold: 32,
8      window: '5m',
9    },
10    skipRate: {
11      metric: 'skip_rate',
12      threshold: 0.01,
13      window: '1h',
14    },
15    latency: {
16      metric: 'vote_latency_ms',
17      threshold: 100,
18      window: '1m',
19    },
20  },
22  // Epoch metrics
23  epoch: {
24    credits: {
25      metric: 'epoch_credits',
26      threshold: 80_000,
27      window: '1epoch',
28    },
29    uptime: {
30      metric: 'uptime_percentage',
31      threshold: 0.98,
32      window: '1epoch',
33    },
34    commission: {
35      metric: 'commission_rate',
36      threshold: 10,
37      window: '1epoch',
38    },
39  },
41  // Historical metrics
42  historical: {
43    avgUptime: {
44      metric: 'average_uptime',
45      threshold: 0.99,
46      window: '30d',
47    },
48    slashingEvents: {
49      metric: 'slashing_count',
50      threshold: 0,
51      window: '365d',
52    },
53  }
Performance Monitoring Best Practices
  • Monitor metrics in real-time
  • Set up alerts for threshold violations
  • Track historical performance
  • Implement automated responses
  • Regular performance reviews

Stake Management

Implement efficient stake management and distribution strategies.

Stake Distribution

1// validator/stake.ts
2export const STAKE_MANAGEMENT = {
3  // Distribution strategy
4  distribution: {
5    method: 'score_weighted',
6    minStake: new BN(1000_000_000_000), // 1,000 SOL
7    maxStake: new BN(100_000_000_000_000), // 100,000 SOL
8    targetCount: 100, // target number of validators
9  },
11  // Rebalancing rules
12  rebalancing: {
13    threshold: 0.1, // 10% imbalance triggers rebalance
14    maxChange: 0.05, // 5% max change per update
15    frequency: 'epoch',
16    cooldown: 2, // epochs between rebalances
17  },
19  // Stake activation
20  activation: {
21    method: 'gradual',
22    rateLimit: 0.1, // 10% per epoch
23    minAmount: new BN(100_000_000_000), // 100 SOL
24    warmupPeriod: 2, // epochs
25  },
27  // Emergency procedures
28  emergency: {
29    maxUnstakeRate: 0.5, // 50% max unstake per day
30    cooldownPeriod: 24 * 60 * 60, // 24 hours
31    approvalRequired: true,
32  }

Stake Operations

1// validator/operations.ts
2export const STAKE_OPERATIONS = {
3  // Delegation operations
4  delegation: {
5    minAmount: new BN(1_000_000_000), // 1 SOL
6    maxAmount: new BN(1_000_000_000_000), // 1,000 SOL
7    incrementSize: new BN(100_000_000), // 0.1 SOL
8    warmupPeriod: 2, // epochs
9  },
11  // Withdrawal operations
12  withdrawal: {
13    minAmount: new BN(1_000_000_000), // 1 SOL
14    maxAmount: new BN(100_000_000_000), // 100 SOL
15    cooldownPeriod: 2, // epochs
16    processingDelay: 1, // epoch
17  },
19  // Commission handling
20  commission: {
21    changeThreshold: 1, // 1% max change
22    notificationPeriod: 7, // days notice required
23    maxRate: 10, // 10% maximum
24  }

Security Measures

Implement comprehensive security measures for validator operations.

Security Configuration

1// validator/security.ts
2export const SECURITY_CONFIG = {
3  // Access control
4  access: {
5    keyManagement: 'hardware_wallet',
6    multiSig: {
7      threshold: 3,
8      members: 5,
9    },
10    ipWhitelist: ['validator_ips'],
11  },
13  // Monitoring
14  monitoring: {
15    slashing: {
16      threshold: 0,
17      response: 'immediate_unstake',
18    },
19    doubleSign: {
20      detection: true,
21      response: 'blacklist',
22    },
23    availability: {
24      threshold: 0.95,
25      window: '1h',
26    },
27  },
29  // Infrastructure
30  infrastructure: {
31    ddosProtection: true,
32    firewallRules: [
33      'allow_rpc',
34      'allow_gossip',
35      'deny_all',
36    ],
37    backups: {
38      frequency: '1h',
39      retention: '30d',
40    },
41  },
43  // Incident response
44  incidents: {
45    responseTime: '5m',
46    escalation: [
47      'validator_operator',
48      'security_team',
49      'protocol_admin',
50    ],
51    recoveryProcedures: {
52      slashing: 'procedures/',
53      outage: 'procedures/',
54      compromise: 'procedures/',
55    },
56  }
Critical Security Measures
  • Use hardware security modules (HSMs)
  • Implement proper key management
  • Regular security audits
  • Network security measures
  • Incident response procedures

Maintenance Procedures

Establish regular maintenance procedures for validators.

Maintenance Schedule

1# maintenance/schedule.yaml
3  # Regular updates
4  updates:
5    software:
6      frequency: weekly
7      window: "Sunday 02:00 UTC"
8      maxDuration: 2h
9      notification: 24h
11    security:
12      frequency: daily
13      window: "00:00 UTC"
14      maxDuration: 30m
15      automatic: true
17  # Health checks
18  health_checks:
19    basic:
20      frequency: 5m
21      checks:
22        - node_status
23        - vote_status
24        - network_connectivity
26    comprehensive:
27      frequency: 1h
28      checks:
29        - resource_usage
30        - performance_metrics
31        - security_status
33  # Backup procedures
34  backups:
35    snapshots:
36      frequency: 6h
37      retention: 7d
38      verification: true
40    ledger:
41      frequency: 1d
42      retention: 30d
43      compression: true

Automation Rules

1# maintenance/automation.yaml
3  # Performance optimization
4  optimization:
5    - trigger: cpu_usage > 80%
6      action: scale_resources
7      params:
8        resource: cpu
9        increment: 2
11    - trigger: memory_usage > 80%
12      action: cleanup_memory
13      params:
14        target: 60%
16  # Health management
17  health:
18    - trigger: vote_distance > 32
19      action: restart_validator
20      params:
21        gracePeriod: 5m
23    - trigger: missed_blocks > 10
24      action: notify_operator
25      severity: high
27  # Resource management
28  resources:
29    - trigger: disk_usage > 80%
30      action: cleanup_ledger
31      params:
32        target: 60%
34    - trigger: bandwidth_usage > 90%
35      action: throttle_gossip
36      params:
37        reduction: 50%
Maintenance Best Practices
  • Schedule maintenance during low-impact periods
  • Implement proper testing procedures
  • Maintain comprehensive documentation
  • Regular backup verification
  • Monitor maintenance impact
  • Keep maintenance logs