Learn how to configure your liquid staking protocol.
Last updated: 2024-03-21
Edit on GitHubOverview
Proper configuration is crucial for running a secure and efficient liquid staking protocol. This guide covers all aspects of protocol configuration, from basic parameters to advanced security settings and performance optimization.
Configuration Checklist
- •Core parameters set
- •Security measures configured
- •Performance tuned
- •Monitoring setup complete
Core Parameters
Configure the fundamental parameters that define your protocol's behavior.
Protocol Settings
1export const PROTOCOL_CONFIG = {
2 // Token settings
3 tokenDecimals: 9,
4 tokenName: "Staked SOL",
5 tokenSymbol: "stSOL",
7 // Staking parameters
8 minStakeAmount: new BN(1_000_000_000), // 1 SOL
9 maxStakeAmount: new BN(1_000_000_000_000), // 1000 SOL
10 cooldownPeriod: 2 * 24 * 60 * 60, // 2 days
12 // Fee structure
13 protocolFee: 0.02, // 2%
14 validatorFee: 0.05, // 5%
15 withdrawalFee: 0.001, // 0.1%
17 // Exchange rate
18 initialExchangeRate: 1.0,
19 maxRateChange: 0.01, // 1% max change per update
Network Settings
1export const NETWORK_CONFIG = {
2 // RPC settings
3 rpcEndpoint: process.env.RPC_ENDPOINT,
4 rpcTimeout: 30000, // 30 seconds
5 maxRetries: 3,
7 // Commitment settings
8 defaultCommitment: 'finalized',
9 minConfirmations: 32,
11 // Transaction settings
12 maxTransactionRetries: 3,
13 transactionTimeout: 90000, // 90 seconds
14 priorityFee: 10000, // 0.00001 SOL
16 // Batch settings
17 maxBatchSize: 100,
18 batchInterval: 60000, // 1 minute
Security Settings
Configure security parameters to protect your protocol and users.
Security Configuration
1export const SECURITY_CONFIG = {
2 // Access control
3 adminMultisig: {
4 threshold: 3,
5 owners: [/* list of admin pubkeys */],
6 timelock: 24 * 60 * 60, // 24 hours
7 },
9 // Rate limiting
10 rateLimits: {
11 maxDepositsPerBlock: 10,
12 maxWithdrawalsPerBlock: 5,
13 maxStakePerBlock: new BN(100_000_000_000_000), // 100,000 SOL
14 },
16 // Emergency settings
17 emergency: {
18 shutdownThreshold: 0.95, // 95% slashing triggers shutdown
19 maxSlashingRate: 0.01, // 1% max slashing per validator
20 pauseTimeout: 12 * 60 * 60, // 12 hours
21 },
23 // Validator security
24 validator: {
25 maxStakePerValidator: 0.1, // 10% of total stake
26 minValidatorScore: 0.8, // 80% minimum score
27 delinquencyThreshold: 10, // blocks
28 slashingPenalty: 0.1, // 10% penalty
29 }
Security Best Practices
- Always use multisig for admin operations
- Implement proper rate limiting
- Set reasonable thresholds for emergency procedures
- Monitor validator performance and health
- Regularly review and update security parameters
Performance Configuration
Optimize your protocol's performance with these settings.
Performance Settings
1export const PERFORMANCE_CONFIG = {
2 // Caching
3 cache: {
4 validatorListTTL: 300, // 5 minutes
5 exchangeRateTTL: 60, // 1 minute
6 stakingMetricsTTL: 600, // 10 minutes
7 },
9 // Batch processing
10 batch: {
11 maxSize: 100,
12 interval: 60000, // 1 minute
13 retryDelay: 5000, // 5 seconds
14 },
16 // Resource limits
17 limits: {
18 maxConcurrentRequests: 50,
19 maxQueueSize: 1000,
20 timeoutMS: 30000, // 30 seconds
21 },
23 // Optimization
24 optimization: {
25 precomputeScores: true,
26 useIndexedDB: true,
27 compressLogs: true,
28 }
Monitoring Thresholds
1export const MONITORING_CONFIG = {
2 // Performance alerts
3 alerts: {
4 highLatency: 1000, // 1 second
5 highErrorRate: 0.01, // 1%
6 lowThroughput: 10, // tx/s
7 },
9 // Resource monitoring
10 resources: {
11 maxMemoryUsage: 0.9, // 90%
12 maxCPUUsage: 0.8, // 80%
13 maxDiskUsage: 0.85, // 85%
14 },
16 // Health checks
17 health: {
18 interval: 60000, // 1 minute
19 timeout: 5000, // 5 seconds
20 unhealthyThreshold: 3,
21 }
Validator Configuration
Configure validator selection and management parameters.
Validator Settings
1export const VALIDATOR_CONFIG = {
2 // Selection criteria
3 selection: {
4 minCommission: 5,
5 maxCommission: 10,
6 minStake: new BN(1000_000_000_000), // 1000 SOL
7 maxStake: new BN(100_000_000_000_000), // 100,000 SOL
8 minUptime: 0.98, // 98%
9 maxSkipRate: 0.01, // 1%
10 },
12 // Scoring weights
13 weights: {
14 uptime: 0.3,
15 stake: 0.2,
16 performance: 0.3,
17 commission: 0.1,
18 governance: 0.1,
19 },
21 // Rebalancing
22 rebalancing: {
23 threshold: 0.1, // 10% imbalance triggers rebalance
24 maxPerUpdate: 0.05, // 5% max change per update
25 cooldown: 24 * 60 * 60, // 24 hours
26 },
28 // Monitoring
29 monitoring: {
30 checkInterval: 300, // 5 minutes
31 graceBlocks: 10,
32 warningThreshold: 0.9,
33 criticalThreshold: 0.95,
34 }
Advanced Configuration
Fine-tune advanced protocol features and optimizations.
Advanced Features
1export const ADVANCED_CONFIG = {
2 // MEV protection
3 mev: {
4 enabled: true,
5 maxReward: 0.1, // 10% max MEV reward
6 minBlockAge: 10,
7 blacklist: [/* known MEV addresses */],
8 },
10 // Governance
11 governance: {
12 proposalThreshold: new BN(1000_000_000_000), // 1000 SOL
13 votingPeriod: 7 * 24 * 60 * 60, // 7 days
14 executionDelay: 2 * 24 * 60 * 60, // 2 days
15 },
17 // Analytics
18 analytics: {
19 retentionDays: 90,
20 aggregationLevels: ['1h', '1d', '1w'],
21 metrics: ['tvl', 'apy', 'validators'],
22 }
Optimization Settings
1export const OPTIMIZATION_CONFIG = {
2 // Memory management
3 memory: {
4 maxCacheSize: 100 * 1024 * 1024, // 100MB
5 gcInterval: 3600, // 1 hour
6 compactInterval: 86400, // 1 day
7 },
9 // Database
10 database: {
11 maxConnections: 20,
12 connectionTimeout: 10000,
13 queryTimeout: 5000,
14 maxBatchSize: 1000,
15 },
17 // Indexing
18 indexing: {
19 enabled: true,
20 fields: ['validator', 'epoch', 'stake'],
21 updateInterval: 300, // 5 minutes
22 }
Configuration Tips
- Start with conservative values and adjust based on monitoring
- Test configuration changes on devnet first
- Document all configuration changes and their impacts
- Regularly review and update configurations
- Keep security parameters strict
- Monitor performance metrics after changes