Token Integration
A comprehensive guide to implementing and integrating liquid staking tokens (stSOL) in your protocol on Solana. Learn about token creation, management, exchange rates, and integration with DeFi protocols.
Token integration is a crucial component of liquid staking protocols. This guide covers all aspects of implementing and managing liquid staking tokens (stSOL), including token creation, exchange rate management, and DeFi protocol integration.
Integration Checklist
- •Token mint created
- •Exchange rate oracle configured
- •Minting/burning logic implemented
- •Security measures in place
Token Setup
Configure and deploy the liquid staking token (stSOL) with proper parameters and metadata.
Token Configuration
1// token/config.ts
2export const TOKEN_CONFIG = {
3 // Token metadata
4 metadata: {
5 name: 'Staked SOL',
6 symbol: 'stSOL',
7 description: 'Liquid staking token for Solana',
8 decimals: 9,
9 image: '',
10 },
12 // Supply configuration
13 supply: {
14 initialSupply: new BN(0),
15 maxSupply: null, // Unlimited
16 mintAuthority: PROTOCOL_AUTHORITY,
17 freezeAuthority: null,
18 },
20 // Token program configuration
21 program: {
22 version: 'v2',
23 features: {
24 transferFeeConfig: null,
25 permanentDelegate: null,
26 interestBearingConfig: null,
27 },
28 },
30 // Metadata program configuration
31 metadataProgram: {
32 updateAuthority: PROTOCOL_AUTHORITY,
33 collection: null,
34 uses: null,
35 }
Token Deployment
1// token/deployment.ts
2export async function deployToken(
3 connection: Connection,
4 payer: Keypair,
5 config: TokenConfig
6): Promise<PublicKey> {
7 // Create mint account
8 const mint = Keypair.generate()
9 const space = MintLayout.span
10 const lamports = await connection.getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption(space)
12 const transaction = new Transaction().add(
13 SystemProgram.createAccount({
14 fromPubkey: payer.publicKey,
15 newAccountPubkey: mint.publicKey,
16 lamports,
17 space,
18 programId: TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID
19 }),
20 createInitializeMintInstruction(
21 mint.publicKey,
22 config.metadata.decimals,
26 ),
27 createCreateMetadataAccountV3Instruction({
28 metadata: findMetadataPda(mint.publicKey),
29 mint: mint.publicKey,
30 mintAuthority: payer.publicKey,
31 payer: payer.publicKey,
32 updateAuthority: config.metadataProgram.updateAuthority,
33 data: {
34 name:,
35 symbol: config.metadata.symbol,
36 uri: config.metadata.uri,
37 sellerFeeBasisPoints: 0,
38 creators: null,
39 collection: null,
40 uses: null,
41 },
42 isMutable: true,
43 })
44 )
46 await sendAndConfirmTransaction(
47 connection,
48 transaction,
49 [payer, mint]
50 )
52 return mint.publicKey
Exchange Rate Management
Implement robust exchange rate calculation and management for stSOL/SOL conversions.
Exchange Rate Oracle
1// token/exchange-rate.ts
2export const EXCHANGE_RATE_CONFIG = {
3 // Update parameters
4 updates: {
5 frequency: 'epoch',
6 minChange: 0.0001, // 0.01% minimum change
7 maxChange: 0.01, // 1% maximum change per update
8 staleness: 2, // epochs before rate considered stale
9 },
11 // Calculation parameters
12 calculation: {
13 // Total staked SOL + rewards - protocol fees
14 totalStake: async (connection: Connection) => {
15 const stakes = await getValidatorStakes(connection)
16 const rewards = await getValidatorRewards(connection)
17 const fees = await getProtocolFees(connection)
18 return stakes.add(rewards).sub(fees)
19 },
21 // Total stSOL supply
22 totalSupply: async (connection: Connection) => {
23 const mint = await getMint(connection, STSOL_MINT)
24 return
25 },
27 // Exchange rate calculation
28 calculateRate: (totalStake: BN, totalSupply: BN) => {
29 if (totalSupply.isZero()) {
30 return new Decimal(1)
31 }
32 return new Decimal(totalStake.toString())
33 .div(new Decimal(totalSupply.toString()))
34 }
35 },
37 // Safety checks
38 safety: {
39 minRate: new Decimal(0.5), // Minimum 0.5 SOL per stSOL
40 maxRate: new Decimal(2.0), // Maximum 2 SOL per stSOL
41 maxRateChange: 0.1, // Maximum 10% change from previous
42 }
Exchange Rate Best Practices
- Regular rate updates at epoch boundaries
- Implement safety checks and bounds
- Monitor for unusual rate changes
- Keep historical rate data
- Provide rate query APIs
Token Minting
Implement secure and efficient token minting logic for staking operations.
Minting Logic
1// token/minting.ts
2export const MINTING_CONFIG = {
3 // Minting parameters
4 parameters: {
5 minAmount: new BN(1_000_000), // 0.001 SOL
6 maxAmount: new BN(1_000_000_000_000), // 1000 SOL
7 cooldown: 0, // No cooldown between mints
8 },
10 // Fee configuration
11 fees: {
12 deposit: 0.001, // 0.1% deposit fee
13 minimum: new BN(1_000_000), // 0.001 SOL minimum
14 recipient: PROTOCOL_TREASURY,
15 },
17 // Minting limits
18 limits: {
19 perAccount: new BN(1_000_000_000_000_000), // 1M SOL
20 perTransaction: new BN(100_000_000_000_000), // 100k SOL
21 dailyLimit: new BN(10_000_000_000_000_000), // 10M SOL
22 },
24 // Safety checks
25 safety: {
26 requireKYC: false,
27 requireAML: false,
28 blacklist: [],
29 pausable: true,
30 }
Minting Implementation
1// token/mint.ts
2export async function mintStSol(
3 connection: Connection,
4 amount: BN,
5 user: PublicKey,
6 payer: Keypair
7): Promise<TransactionSignature> {
8 // Validate amount
9 if ( {
10 throw new Error('Amount below minimum')
11 }
12 if ( {
13 throw new Error('Amount above maximum')
14 }
16 // Calculate fees
17 const fee = amount.muln(MINTING_CONFIG.fees.deposit)
18 if ( {
19 fee = MINTING_CONFIG.fees.minimum
20 }
22 // Calculate stSOL amount
23 const rate = await getExchangeRate(connection)
24 const stSolAmount = new Decimal(amount.toString())
25 .mul(rate)
26 .floor()
27 .toString()
29 // Build transaction
30 const transaction = new Transaction().add(
31 // Transfer SOL to stake pool
32 SystemProgram.transfer({
33 fromPubkey: payer.publicKey,
34 toPubkey: STAKE_POOL,
35 lamports: amount,
36 }),
37 // Transfer fee
38 SystemProgram.transfer({
39 fromPubkey: payer.publicKey,
40 toPubkey: MINTING_CONFIG.fees.recipient,
41 lamports: fee,
42 }),
43 // Mint stSOL
44 createMintToInstruction(
46 userStSolAccount,
48 stSolAmount,
49 [],
51 )
52 )
54 return await sendAndConfirmTransaction(
55 connection,
56 transaction,
57 [payer]
58 )
Token Burning
Implement secure token burning mechanisms for unstaking operations.
Burning Configuration
1// token/burning.ts
2export const BURNING_CONFIG = {
3 // Burning parameters
4 parameters: {
5 minAmount: new BN(1_000_000), // 0.001 stSOL
6 maxAmount: new BN(1_000_000_000_000), // 1000 stSOL
7 cooldown: 2, // 2 epoch cooldown
8 },
10 // Fee configuration
11 fees: {
12 withdrawal: 0.002, // 0.2% withdrawal fee
13 minimum: new BN(2_000_000), // 0.002 SOL minimum
14 recipient: PROTOCOL_TREASURY,
15 },
17 // Burning limits
18 limits: {
19 perAccount: new BN(1_000_000_000_000_000), // 1M stSOL
20 perTransaction: new BN(100_000_000_000_000), // 100k stSOL
21 dailyLimit: new BN(10_000_000_000_000_000), // 10M stSOL
22 },
24 // Unstaking configuration
25 unstaking: {
26 method: 'delayed', // instant or delayed
27 delay: 2, // epochs
28 maxPending: 1000, // max pending unstakes
29 priorityFee: 0.001, // 0.1% for instant unstaking
30 }
Burning Implementation
1// token/burn.ts
2export async function burnStSol(
3 connection: Connection,
4 amount: BN,
5 user: PublicKey,
6 payer: Keypair
7): Promise<TransactionSignature> {
8 // Validate amount
9 if ( {
10 throw new Error('Amount below minimum')
11 }
12 if ( {
13 throw new Error('Amount above maximum')
14 }
16 // Calculate fees
17 const fee = amount.muln(BURNING_CONFIG.fees.withdrawal)
18 if ( {
19 fee = BURNING_CONFIG.fees.minimum
20 }
22 // Calculate SOL amount
23 const rate = await getExchangeRate(connection)
24 const solAmount = new Decimal(amount.toString())
25 .div(rate)
26 .floor()
27 .toString()
29 // Build transaction
30 const transaction = new Transaction().add(
31 // Burn stSOL
32 createBurnInstruction(
34 userStSolAccount,
35 user,
36 amount,
37 [],
39 ),
40 // Create unstake request
41 createUnstakeRequestInstruction({
42 user,
43 amount: solAmount,
44 fee,
45 recipient: BURNING_CONFIG.fees.recipient,
46 epoch: await connection.getEpochInfo(),
47 })
48 )
50 return await sendAndConfirmTransaction(
51 connection,
52 transaction,
53 [payer]
54 )
DeFi Protocol Integration
Guidelines for integrating stSOL with DeFi protocols and implementing yield strategies.
Integration Guidelines
1// defi/integration.ts
2export const DEFI_INTEGRATION = {
3 // Protocol support
4 protocols: {
5 amm: {
6 poolTypes: ['constant-product', 'stable'],
7 recommendedPairs: ['SOL', 'USDC', 'USDT'],
8 minLiquidity: new BN(100_000_000_000), // 100 SOL
9 },
11 lending: {
12 collateralFactor: 0.7, // 70% LTV
13 liquidationThreshold: 0.75,
14 liquidationPenalty: 0.05,
15 interestModel: 'jump-rate',
16 },
18 yield: {
19 strategies: ['lending', 'liquidity'],
20 rewardTokens: ['RAY', 'MNDE'],
21 compounding: 'auto',
22 },
23 },
25 // Risk parameters
26 risk: {
27 maxConcentration: 0.3, // 30% max in single protocol
28 minProtocolTVL: new BN(10_000_000_000_000), // 10k SOL
29 minProtocolAge: 180, // days
30 auditRequired: true,
31 },
33 // Integration requirements
34 requirements: {
35 priceOracle: true,
36 emergencyWithdraw: true,
37 pausable: true,
38 upgradeability: 'transparent',
39 }
DeFi Integration Best Practices
- Thorough security audits of protocols
- Implement emergency withdrawal mechanisms
- Monitor protocol health and TVL
- Regular yield strategy optimization
- Maintain protocol diversification
Security Measures
Implement comprehensive security measures for token operations.
Security Configuration
1// token/security.ts
2export const SECURITY_CONFIG = {
3 // Access control
4 access: {
5 mintAuthority: {
6 type: 'multisig',
7 threshold: 4,
8 members: 7,
9 },
10 upgradeAuthority: {
11 type: 'timelock',
12 delay: 7 * 24 * 60 * 60, // 7 days
13 proposers: ['GOVERNANCE'],
14 },
15 pauseAuthority: {
16 type: 'immediate',
17 authorized: ['ADMIN', 'GUARDIAN'],
18 },
19 },
21 // Transaction security
22 transactions: {
23 simulation: true,
24 maxRetries: 3,
25 confirmation: 'finalized',
26 timeout: 60_000, // ms
27 },
29 // Monitoring
30 monitoring: {
31 supplyChanges: {
32 threshold: 0.05, // 5% change alert
33 window: '1h',
34 },
35 rateChanges: {
36 threshold: 0.02, // 2% change alert
37 window: '1h',
38 },
39 transactions: {
40 maxSize: new BN(1_000_000_000_000), // 1000 SOL
41 maxDaily: new BN(10_000_000_000_000), // 10000 SOL
42 },
43 },
45 // Recovery procedures
46 recovery: {
47 backup: {
48 frequency: '1h',
49 retention: '30d',
50 encrypted: true,
51 },
52 procedures: {
53 rateDeviation: '/procedures/',
54 supplyMismatch: '/procedures/',
55 contractUpgrade: '/procedures/',
56 },
57 }
Critical Security Measures
- Multi-signature control for critical operations
- Rate and supply change monitoring
- Transaction limits and cooling periods
- Regular security audits
- Comprehensive backup procedures